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North Bethesda UMC


Allen Organ Washington DC


are proud to announce an upcoming concert featuring Organist


             GREG ZELEK            


Greg is the Principal Organist of the Madison Symphony Orchestra and Curator of the Overture Concert Organ

Sunday February 25, 2024

North Bethesda UMC

10100 Old Georgetown Road

Bethesa MD 20814

Upcoming Installation

Custom Allen GX350 Pipe Combination Organ


St. John the Evangelist Frederick Maryland

The New Organ will be in a French Terraced Console similar to the one pictured. The instrument will add considerably to the existing Moller Pipe Specification. We are expecting the installation will occur in the summer of 2024


St. Matthews Lutheran Church

Woodbridge VA

Allen Organ Dc wishes to thank the Organ Committee of St. Matthews Lutheran for their selection of the Allen GX-340. This installation is a redesign of the previous Allen Installation from the 1990's.  The new installation fills the room and allows for wonderful congregational singing.



           A Special thanks to Organist


                   Melvin Goodman



St. Paul Lutheran Church

Walkersville, MD


Allen Organ Washington DC congratulates the Lutheran Congregation of St. Paul Lutheran on their acquisition of the Allen GX- 235 Drawknob console for their Sanctuary

St. James the Less Episcopal Church Ashland Virginia

St. James the Less.jpg

Allen Organ DC is proud of the installation of a GeniSys 230 organ in the Sanctuary of St. James the Less Episcopal Church in Ashland Virginia.


The organ will be added to the churches existing Moller pipe organ and expand the specification of the instrument by 50 digital ranks.



St. Edward Confessor Catholic Church

Richmond Virginia

St. Edward Confessor Catholic Church
Elizabeth Goodwin - Music Director

St. Edward Confessor Catholic Church in Richmond Virginia recently installed the Allen GeniSys G350 Organ, replacing an Allen that had been in the Church for many years.  The new installation has a Main Organ, Antiphonal Organ and Cantor Monitor System.  Pictured above is Elizabeth Goodwin, Music Director.  Please watch for dedication information on this page. 


Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church

Richmond, Virginia

Allen Organ of Richmond recently installed an Allen GeniSys 350 pipe combination organ in the beautiful sanctuary of Tuckahoe Presbyterian Church. Nine ranks of the the existing Moeller pipe organ were retained.

Pictured is Organist Mark Cain.




3 Manual | Bravura L-343 | 66 Stops


North Bethesda United Methodist Church

Bethesda, Maryland

North Bethesda United Methdist Church
North Bethesda United Methodist Church - Bethesda, MD

Trinity Episcopal Church Washington, Virginia


The Organ committee and Vestry of Trinity Episcopal Church Washington, VA have chosen the Allen GeniSys G-340 for their beautiful Church


They are expecting the installation of the organ in late 2020 and looking forward to celebrating Christmas with their new instrument


We would like to thank Trinity for their having chosen the Allen Organ for their Church. 

Woodstock PresbyterianChurch

Woodstock, Virginia


The Organ committee of Woodstock Pres is proud to announce their selection of the Allen GX-215 with GeniSys voice. The Console of the instrument will be white and walnut, matching the furniture of the church. The installation is expected to be completed before Easter 2024 and is replacing their very small pipe organ which had very limited resources.

The New Allen G-330 Organ in

St. Peter's Basilica, Rome


The Sistine Chapel Choir

Allen Organ in St. Peter's Basilica, Rome
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