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Christ Episcopal Church Georgetown, Washington, DC
3 Manual
Custom Allen Organ
Christ Church was organized in 1817 as the fourth Episcopal congregation in the portion of the District of Columbia ceded by Maryland. At that time the District of Columbia also included territory ceded by Virginia. Christ Church broke away from Saint John's Church in Georgetown whose Rector's inclinations did not match the stronger evangelical ardor of most of his congregation, including Francis Scott Key.
Currently Christ Church is a community of about 1,300 people. Sunday and weekday worship is at the center of the parish's life. A fine choral tradition strives for excellence in worship. Education for youth and adults, opportunities for spiritual growth, and community outreach also are strong parish interests.
This custom Allen Organ’s speakers are housed in this historic Church’s old pipe organ chambers and upper chancellery. The console is an impressive 67 stops on three manuals custom build console to replace their aging rebuild Moller pipe organ. Christ Church Georgetown’s organ’s English Cathedral specification is well suited for Anglican services as well as a vast array of repertoire.